Happy Room
Happy Room Unblocked is an action indie video game developed and published by Mana Potion Studios. The player has access to an arsenal of weapons to destroy a human clone, such as flamethrowers, bombs and saws. There are goals at the top of the screen which tell the player on what to do in order to gain a higher amount of points and deal more damage. Each goal reached unlocks more weapons.
Happy Room is an experimental game in which you must place all sorts of traps to deal as much damage as possible to a doll. You can use traps from 4 available categories. Do more damage and reach the threshold to unlock new weapons. You also need to complete the challenges to earn more money. Click on the upper sidebar to see the challenges. Be creative and try various combos on this unfortunate doll in Happy Room!
How to win at Happy Room?
1. Unlock Portals.
2. Place a portal on top and one below, and place saws in between to stop him from falling out of the loop.
3. Leave on double speed until you get Piranhas and Monsters.
4. Upgrade: Launch Pads, Monsters and Piranhas.
5. Put Piranhas right below where you start, with a mace in each corner. Put one Portal below and one Portal above the character. Put monsters everywhere. (While pads aren’t necessary, you might want to place them on both sides to speed things up a bit.)
6. Leave on double speed (if your computer can handle it) until you get POISONALITY or MONSTRALITY. . . . . . Once you have unlocked Black Hole another option becomes available.
Upgrades: Black Hole, Monsters, Launch pads, Portals.
Replace Piranhas with Black Hole (Still needs to have a mace in each corner.), Place launch pads across the floor so they all point toward the center. Place monsters on all available spots on the screen.
P.S. You can also win using only Portals, one on top and one below.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Mana Potion Studios
December 2016
►► https://unblockedgames7766.com/happy-room/ ✅◄◄